Course Overview
TRIZ originated from Russia with Genrich Altshuller who passed away on 24th september 1998.
TRIZ is not an English abbreviation but Russian one, теория решения изобретательских задач, teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadatch, literally: “theory of the solving of inventive challenged-related tasks” (Sometimes simple: Theory of inventive problem solving, TIPS)
The basic question was how to invent systematically with using brainstorming techniques from Alan Osbourne and “wild thinking”. He started analyzing patents and made a grouping of “inventive principles”. This lead to the creation of the matrix (table of contracting parameters and how to solve them) which is still popular but outdated. It was upgraded in 2003 by Creax (a Belgian company). However, Altshuller proceeded with creating a Algorithm of Solving tough questions (ARIZ) and created many other tools such as Substance-fIeld analysis, Trends of evolution, and so on. Once the borders were open many of the TRIZ community spread out with a group in Israel and US. Today it is spread worldwide with TRIZ communities in almost all countries from Japan, China, Australia, to Saoudi Arabia to Europe to United States.
TRIZ pointed out a revolutionary insight: almost every problem has already been solved (in other sectors). Also, Altshuller found that the most successful solutions tackle contradictions in the system. Thus, a master in TRIZ will be able to provide the most effective and proven solution for almost any problem out there. In the past, the contradiction matrix (including 40 inventive principles) was used by the rules of the algorithm called ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems). No wonder that TRIZ has become increasingly well-known and studied. Many scientists have contributed to the further development of TRIZ and some have even created their own variants. TRIZ gets expanded into several streams, like I-TRIZ (Ideation International), P-TRIZ, X-TRIZ, TRIZ+ (Gen3) and on the other hand TRIZ was simplified in Israel to SIT (and spin-off USIT). More information on these schools, software and organizations can be found here.
Nowadays TRIZ can be best described as a methodology, tool-set, knowledge base and model-based technology for generating innovative ideas and solutions for problems. Many scientist look at TRIZ as the “missing link” between engineering techniques and classic creativity.
Course Curriculum
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